Changeset 1043 in eirsvn

06/10/11 04:36:35 (13 years ago)

vcoh 2.602 changes added

added Vertiggo's vet icons
Howitzers, 88s, flakvierlings now have offmap toggle buttons
removed most of the friendly fire of:
20mm puma
PE armored car
quad halftrack

AB riflemen added to T2 AB sniper unlock Huh
AB riflemen now have riflemen hp/armor
AB sniper now has 75 hp, AB armor, infantry crits, normal sniper rifle
Sherman 76mm splash reduced from 3.0 to 1.5
Sherman mineflails now function vs slow mines
howitzer crew should now retreat on abandon
m10/m18 penetration modifier against hezter lowered to .6
US officer can no longer recrew team weapons
US officer speech changed
US officer smoke barrage description fixed
quad halftrack now has correct target tables and crits vs airplanes
quad ht accuracy vs airdropping units from 1.5 to 1
quad ht priority vs airdropping units increased
sherman bulldozer no longer grants churchill armor, instead it grants +50 hp boost
AB medic cloak removed
t17 hp 350 -> 315
T17 needs price/pop change Huh

95m Cromwell bouncing shells fixed
sapper explosive package now detects mines while stationary
Churchill mineplow now functions vs slow mines
Churchill mineplow no longer detects mines
25 Pounder is now a T1 doctrine unlock again
Commando sniper can no longer recrew team weapons
reduced accuracy of bofors vs airdropping units from 0.75 to 0.5
Churchill AVRE will only building crit infantry if the shell lands on, or very near the building

stug gun will now penetrate rear armor of Sherman jumbo
stug gun dmg modifier vs jumbo 1.0 -> 1.5
stuh 42 now has correct target tables vs sherman jumbo
leig now has arty projectile
leig collision box removed
flak 88 pop to 5, crew pop back to 1 pop
Sturmpanzer IV will only building crit infantry if the shell lands on, or very near the building
kommando karbanier will now suppress tommies/sappers
jagdpanzer iv acceleration/desceleration increased to match new stug

Panzer Elite
stummel now has arty projectile
stummel accuracy 0.75/1/1 -> 0.5/0.75/1
flakvierling pop to 3, crew pop to 1
flak 88 pop to 5, crew pop to 1
hotchkiss stuka smoke barrage hotkey changed to "s"
normal at nade assigned "z" as hotkey
fixed pe scout mg set up
TH T2 'Recon in force' bonus for setup scout car mg changed to +10 sight and +5 weapon range (10% acc was bugged)
mech support ability for marder changed to a toggle. Will allow marder to travel at 50% max speed.
removed post firing aim time from wirblewind
henschel airplanes now have correct critical armor type
pak 36 accuracy vs atgs 1.0 -> 0.3
effectiveness of pak 36 rapid fire bug reduced
50mm AT ht dmg vs atgs 1.0 -> 0.5
pak 40 accuracy vs atgs 1.0 -> 0.1
hotchkiss upgun dmg modifier vs m8 0.5 -> 0.75
magnetic at nade now has same animation time as sticky

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