Changeset 1109 in eirsvn

07/04/11 23:52:59 (13 years ago)

bergetiger vet:
1 - 0.85 dmg
2 - 0.85 dmg 1.15 speed
3 - 0.8 pen. +10 sight
gains 1 xp for every time it repairs something

US armor crew efficiency and OBM to 80%, accuracy while repairing & moving x0.5
flak 88 barrage range to 150
flak 88 now has hold fire
flak 88 will keep aiming at the location it has last fired until a new target has been found
fixed all issues concerning captured heavy weapons
captured weapons no longer gain vet until a decision is made what to do with it.
fixed acceleration/deceleration vet buffs
kettenkrad from 1 to 2 pop
WM officer can now pick up weapons
removed grenade scatter
APCR marder III buffs from 25% dmg and 35% pen to 15% dmg and 25% pen.

(No files)

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