Changeset 1286 in eirsvn

01/09/12 20:09:31 (13 years ago)

removed vet icons from svn since they are supposed to be in a separate sga.
same story for taskbar command point button

PE henschel run now has vcoh icon instead of red smoke
hetzer now rotates in ambush & 5s cloak delay
added 0.75s delay to DEF rocket arty
PE supply drop now drops 2 LMGs
CW supply drop now drops 2 piats
US supply drop now drops 2 zooks
chaffee nerfed. hp to 315, skirts moved to armor mid t4 unlock, gun changed to stuart like gun
trench armor to garrison cover + 0.75 rec. dmg
trench hp increased to match vcoh
MGs can now garrison trenches
added vehicle cover to calliope
fixed CW emplacement graphical glitches
kangaroo ready to be added for reward units
panzer pioneer armor type from soldier to infantry
fixed up CW veterancy sharing. arty & atgs except for the priest no longer grant vet to officers. bren carrier receives vet from infantry around and inside it(won't work with halftrack deployment on).
fixed vet modifiers being too high on some arty units
panther xp req. reduced
elite gren xp req. increased to match grens/kch
pak 40 & 17 pdr pop costs changed to match m5 atg (5 pop)
improved icon for PE assault flammen grens
better vet for nashorn
terror henschel design changes added
hellcat/m10 target priorities improved
stuart dmg modifier vs hummel from x2 to x1.5 to match modifiers vs other targets
stuka pen. modifier vs inf from x10 to x1
PII penetration vs vehicles significantly reduced (reduce PII price)
fixed scatter bug with BK tank smoke launchers

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