- Reverted ability changes for ATG's, meaning AP rounds, Cloak and Marder lockdown go back to their original forms of available upon unit purchase/purchasable ability.
- Added in replacement KT vet (1.33 horizontal/vertical turret rotation vet 2, 0.9 received pen vet 3)
- Trenchbusters from 80 MU to 60 MU, pool from 7 to 5.
- PzIV IST range from 40 to 35.
- StuG pop from 8 to 10.
- Revert Engineer/Pioneer? changes to pre-R001.
- Revert Pershing/Tiger? changes to pre-R001.
Ambulance - Crits from supply truck > vehicle
Comet - Give full inf accuracy (from 0.65 to 0.75), Fuel from 400 to 450.
Slugger - Accuracy vs inf from 0.35 to 0.15 (Match M10/M18), health from 636 to 500, fuel increase to 320.
Cuckoo - Match Panther stats, increase price to 460 FU, given capacity to buy skirts for 50 FU.
Chaffee - Fuel to 140, max speed from 8 to 6.5, decel from 7 to 4, health to 450, Stuart armour.
Scott - Increase main weapon range from 30 to 35, increase MG vertical rotation to 100.
M15A1 Halftrack - Pop increase from 6 to 8, FU increase from 140 to 150.
Super Pershing - Change weapon accuracy tables (Keep current SP penetration tables and range at 45) to match standard current Pershing, main gun damage from 165 to 137.5, but increase damage mods to +20% vs armoured/vehicle targets, minimum range removed.
Kangaroo - 350 HP, regains capacity for infantry to shoot out, FU from 55 to 70.
M20 Recon - Actually enabled, no really, I promise (niko)
M3 Lee - 400 > 500 health.
Crusader AA - Pop from 8 > 6.
Tiger Ace - HE rounds increased accuracy vs inf to 0.85, range to 45, penetration -20%, short range splash from 0.5 to 0.75, 1.2 damage vs vehicle targets (LV's/Light tanks), AP rounds increased to 137.5 damage with 1.2 damage vs armoured targets (Proper tanks), turret horizontal rotation to 27, health from 1200 to 1400, max speed to 5.
JagdPanzer? IV - Upgun accuracy vs inf from 0.4 to 0.55, pop from 12 to 10.
Wespe - Barrage cooldown from 140 to 160 seconds.
Elefant - Fuel from 640 to 840.
JagdTiger? - Fuel from 640 to 840.
Panzer II - From 80 Fuel to 120.