Changeset 1176 in eirsvn

07/25/11 00:53:25 (13 years ago)

[fixes #182]
New button:
range from 35 to 30
x0.25 acceleration, x2 deceleration all the time
0 - 2.5s 0.75 speed
2.5 - 5s 0.5 speed
5 - 15s 0.25 speed

[fixes #201]
G43 slow now does the exact same thing as BAR suppression, 15s duration & x4 suppression last 7,5 seconds.
BAR SF still wins though

[fixes #109]
removed assault nade suppression

fixed assault nades only throwing nades 2 times. (supposed to be 3 times)

[fixes #181]
Infantry smoke nades range from 25 to 35

[fixes #185]
Flakvierling 38 armor type from flak 88 to ATG

[fixes #202]
Wirblewind pop from 10 to 8

[fixes #203]
Assault engis now have elite armor
new icon for assault engis
assault engi pop from 4 to 5

New skin for 6 pounder
Added/fixed some unit names
Bren carrier now uses same armor as Bren MMG (bren carrier armor) but with x3 received penetration

(No files)

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