


18:45 Changeset in eirsvn [1308] by Leophone
fixed tank elite crits


22:18 Changeset in eirsvn [1307] by Leophone
added a toggle ability to luftwaffe quick response sprint
20:18 Changeset in eirsvn [1306] by Leophone
fixed defensive t1 bug
20:08 Changeset in eirsvn [1305] by Leophone
added 50% accuracy reduction to PE sprint added 0.75 delay to US INF …
17:54 Changeset in eirsvn [1304] by Leophone
fixed bug with lancaster bomb offmap added shell tracers to earthshaker …
14:38 Changeset in eirsvn [1303] by Leophone
grenadier assault fixed churchill tank shock can now be activated in hull …
01:07 Changeset in eirsvn [1302] by Leophone
seemed slit trenches had half HP in eir for some reason, reverted trenches …


20:56 Changeset in eirsvn [1301] by Leophone
fixed... a bug
03:32 Changeset in eirsvn [1300] by Leophone
fixed nebels fixed geschutzwagen fixed minor trench bug


21:53 Changeset in eirsvn [1299] by Leophone
added new asymmetric warfare. buff to nashorn mobility fixed luftwaffe …
01:07 Changeset in eirsvn [1298] by Leophone
UI fix & DEF top t4 tank trap extra HP fix
00:15 Ticket #24 (G43 Suppression + Incendiary Assault) closed by Leophone
fixed: In [1297/eirsvn]: […]
00:15 Changeset in eirsvn [1297] by Leophone
fixed incin. grenades for assault flammen grens added new PE assault g43 …


21:50 Changeset in eirsvn [1296] by Leophone
added new assault for WM
16:27 Changeset in eirsvn [1295] by Leophone
some UI fixes
16:08 Changeset in eirsvn [1294] by Leophone
new skin for chaffee
14:44 Changeset in eirsvn [1293] by Leophone
added nebel mustard 30s delay fixed cct hulldown
00:56 Changeset in eirsvn [1292] by Leophone
stug can now also rotate per default with hetzer cloak added bar/g43 sf …


19:56 Changeset in eirsvn [1291] by Leophone
removed some screwed up modifier on RE steel wall HMGs


20:33 Changeset in eirsvn [1290] by Leophone
ui fix for tiger ace tank shock churchill mk6 tank shock fixed lancaster …


17:56 Changeset in eirsvn [1289] by Leophone
some UI fixes
16:47 Changeset in eirsvn [1288] by Leophone
ui improvement for luftwaffe supplies removed weapon/supply drop pickup UI …
02:26 Changeset in eirsvn [1287] by Leophone
balanced reload times of flakpanzer iv. average reload stays the same.


20:09 Changeset in eirsvn [1286] by Leophone
removed vet icons from svn since they are supposed to be in a separate …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.