


15:49 Ticket #49 (HT Deployment bug) created by Unkn0wn
Halftracks using the HT deployment feature will have same xp amount after …
15:43 Ticket #48 (Call-in timer and in-game messages fixes) created by Unkn0wn
Most of the call-in timer & misc messages that players receive in game are …
15:35 Ticket #47 (Axis Sdkfz_251_halftrack armor) created by Unkn0wn
Check axis_sdkfz_251_halftrack armor type for all allied weapons, axis …
15:34 Ticket #46 (Repair kit cancelling) created by Unkn0wn
Repair kits need to be cancelable (With a 5s delay and loss of the repair …
15:30 Ticket #45 (Commando SAS Jeep model implementation) created by Unkn0wn
For the Commmando jeep: …
15:29 Ticket #44 (PE Luftwaffe T2 Spotting Teams Flare bug) created by Unkn0wn
Flares take away lockdown ability on Vampire HT. (Assigned to the same ui …
15:28 Ticket #43 (Luft mg34 HT deployment) created by Unkn0wn
Luft MG34 Team can be placed inside HT in company screen even though it's …
15:22 Ticket #42 (PE TH Spare Parts T4 Implementation) created by Unkn0wn
Still needs to be implemented …
15:20 Ticket #41 (WM Def. Camo Equipment T4 cloak recrew bug) created by Unkn0wn
Pak40 and Leig once recrewed can't be cloaked
15:19 Ticket #40 (Pak 40 recrew bug) created by Unkn0wn
Gets renamed to (and becomes?) '57mm ATG' when recrewed.
15:18 Ticket #39 (US T3 infantry off-map) created by Unkn0wn
Grants only 1 use even if a second use was purchased. Still a mystery …
15:16 Ticket #38 (WM Howitzer) created by Unkn0wn
Needs to be added to the game as a reward unit, either with the crew …
14:55 Ticket #31 (MG42 Set up animation) closed by Unkn0wn
14:54 Ticket #21 (Fatherland Pioneers unlock) closed by Unkn0wn
07:46 Ticket #37 (Add Intel to turn overviews) created by LuciferNZ
Enable turn reports to be shown for that players turn ONLY Requires #36
06:12 Ticket #36 (Turn report animations / overview) created by LuciferNZ
A way of seeing animations, play through, and/or an overview for what …
06:09 Ticket #35 (Warmap Turn Timer functionality) created by LuciferNZ
I need a way to track the time between turns, and update a turn if we are …
06:01 Ticket #34 (Sector Unit Support Orders) created by LuciferNZ
Sector Unit support orders -Move to new Sector -Reinforce -Resupply …
05:59 Ticket #33 (Sector Unit Main Orders) created by LuciferNZ
Complete Sector Unit Orders to be able to: -Attack direct -Attack …


23:41 Changeset in eirsvn [1074] by Leophone
CCT lockdown ultra decription change: range from 100 to 70 no longer …
21:08 Changeset in eirsvn [1073] by LuciferNZ
Testing Refs#12 Fixes#12
10:58 Ticket #27 (ab sniper sight) closed by MisterSchmidt
Completed: Does still have paradrop, sight reduced to 35
10:51 Ticket #4 (WM defensive officer) closed by MisterSchmidt
00:04 Changeset in eirsvn [1072] by MisterSchmidt
Fixed AB Sniper sight range


22:34 Changeset in eirsvn [1071] by Leophone
22:33 Changeset in eirsvn [1070] by Leophone
flak 88 bounces off rear panther armor ostwind dmg modifiers vs tanks stuh …
20:12 Ticket #32 (Unit leaderboard) created by Unkn0wn
Since the vet purchasing removal, all units are listed as vet level '0' …
15:20 Ticket #31 (MG42 Set up animation) created by Unkn0wn
When setting up, the gun sets up but it looks like the crewman with the mg …
15:16 Ticket #30 (CW RCA Lit Up Unlock) created by Unkn0wn
Doesn't currently decloak units in radius of the flare
15:14 Ticket #29 (US Operation Overlord infantry T4 Rework) created by Unkn0wn
Needs to be reworked to the following: Operation Overlord: All Infantry: …
15:11 Ticket #28 (Tanks holding territory) created by Unkn0wn
Medium & Heavy tanks (12 pop and beyond) need to be able to hold (not …
15:03 Ticket #26 (6 pdr) closed by Unkn0wn
Completed: Don't forget to close the ticket when you upload the fix on the svn please
15:02 Ticket #25 (Fire support vicker) closed by Unkn0wn
Completed: Firesparks fixed & confirmed this in the last update. (Don't forget to …
13:58 Ticket #11 (Groundfire's Test ticket) closed by Groundfire
07:45 Ticket #27 (ab sniper sight) created by Firesparks
it still has 45 sight range, compare to the normal sniper range of 35. it …
07:29 Ticket #26 (6 pdr) created by Firesparks
6 pdr have higher accuracy against infantry than compared to other atg (US …
06:46 Changeset in eirsvn [1069] by Firesparks
fire support vicker changed to match new vicker standard (buffed) fix a …
00:05 Ticket #25 (Fire support vicker) created by tank130
the fire support vicker is not updated to the same strength as the new …


22:10 Ticket #24 (G43 Suppression + Incendiary Assault) created by Unkn0wn
Disable incendiary assault while using G43 suppression. (Squad does …
20:37 Ticket #23 (Write up SVN + TRAC usage tutorial) created by LuciferNZ
Write up a SVN tutorial for the coders so they have an understanding of …
19:15 Ticket #22 (PE SE Napalm Strike) created by Unkn0wn
Visual effects are too heavy on low end machines, need to be toned down. …
19:08 Ticket #21 (Fatherland Pioneers unlock) created by Unkn0wn
Can't purchase medic bunker
18:50 Ticket #16 (WM Blitz Panzer Aces T3) closed by MisterSchmidt
Completed: Ability removed from Tiger - resolved.
18:49 Changeset in eirsvn [1068] by MisterSchmidt
Removed Panzer Aces from Tiger Fixes#16
18:28 Changeset in eirsvn [1067] by MisterSchmidt
Slightly improved detection range
17:19 Changeset in eirsvn [1066] by MisterSchmidt
Fixed tankdestroyers_tank_buster_ambush_awareness
16:00 Ticket #20 (PE TH Marder & T4 APCR) created by Unkn0wn
With this T4 the marder will now only receive the following buff: +25% …
13:51 Ticket #19 (Wehrmacht LeiG 18) created by Unkn0wn
Crew resets itself before each shot, looks really weird. (Pick up weapon …
13:11 Ticket #18 (Blitzkrieg Doctrine abilities) created by Unkn0wn
* Battle hardened becomes a T3 with just: "Grenadiers, Stormtroopers …
13:04 Ticket #17 (Armour T3s) created by Unkn0wn
Bring Crew efficiency back to 80% (Firing effectiveness while repairing) …
13:01 Ticket #16 (WM Blitz Panzer Aces T3) created by Unkn0wn
Tiger is currently receiving the +33% turret rotation and 20% accuracy …


23:18 Ticket #15 (MG42 set up animation) created by tank130
MG42 set up animation is bugged, once set-up the crew still kind of stands …
21:59 WikiStart edited by phil
15:09 Changeset in eirsvn [1065] by Leophone
reverted senior officers rgd to old (broken) one
13:31 Ticket #4 (WM defensive officer) reopened by MisterSchmidt
Didn't fix per se, made it too epic, tried for hours and couldn't fix, …
12:46 Changeset in eirsvn [1064] by MisterSchmidt
12:17 Ticket #4 (WM defensive officer) closed by MisterSchmidt
12:11 Changeset in eirsvn [1063] by MisterSchmidt
Fixes #4
11:45 Ticket #14 (Defensive officer buffs not working) closed by Unkn0wn
11:45 Ticket #14 (Defensive officer buffs not working) created by Unkn0wn
Not on the officer itself, nor with any of the T3s are these buffs …
11:34 Ticket #13 (PE SE Incendiary Shells T3) created by Unkn0wn
- Standard hummel barrage gets incendiary effect (No longer a "seperate" …
10:06 Changeset in eirsvn [1062] by LuciferNZ
CommitTicketUpdater? Test Refs #12 [Refs#12] Fixes #12 [Fixes#12]
09:57 Changeset in eirsvn [1061] by LuciferNZ
Changeset [Refs#12]
09:54 Changeset in eirsvn [1060] by LuciferNZ
Changeset Ref #12, #11
09:54 Changeset in eirsvn [1059] by LuciferNZ
09:53 Changeset in eirsvn [1058] by LuciferNZ
Changeset test Ref #12
09:45 Changeset in eirsvn [1057] by LuciferNZ
Changed schmidts txt file to test ticket Fixes #12
09:44 Changeset in eirsvn [1056] by LuciferNZ
Changed schmidts txt file to test ticket Refs #12
09:43 Changeset in eirsvn [1055] by LuciferNZ
Changed schmidts txt file to test ticket REF #12
09:38 Ticket #12 (Test SVN closing ticket) created by LuciferNZ
This ticket will test SVN closing, and referencing.
00:09 Ticket #11 (Groundfire's Test ticket) created by Groundfire
Groundfire is a sexy bitch, kthnxbye


23:08 Changeset in eirsvn [1054] by MisterSchmidt
12:06 Ticket #5 (US GMC Sound) closed by Unkn0wn
01:06 Ticket #10 (Launcher 'unit swapping') created by Unkn0wn
Does not work, SQL is all set up correctly but it's not making the swaps. …
00:24 Ticket #9 (Flak 88 SCAR error) created by Unkn0wn
When building the flak 88 with a certain doctrine ability enabled from …


00:28 Ticket #8 (Launcher Company Templates) created by Unkn0wn
Enable users to 'load' a number of premade company templates in the …
00:26 Ticket #7 (Attack / Defend gametype broken) created by LuciferNZ
Reports of Att/Def? callins etc being broken. Please add addtional …


21:10 Ticket #5 (US GMC Sound) created by Unkn0wn
Needs to be changed away from sounding like a 57mm ATG, it's very …
15:59 Changeset in eirsvn [1053] by MisterSchmidt
15:55 Changeset in eirsvn [1052] by MisterSchmidt
15:54 Changeset in eirsvn [1051] by MisterSchmidt
09:44 Ticket #1 (Tutorial on how to add Reward units) closed by LuciferNZ
Wont Fix / Cant Fix
09:19 TracPlugins edited by trac
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23:55 Ticket #4 (WM defensive officer) created by tank130
WM defensive officer supervise does not apply the buffs
22:07 Ticket #3 (AB - HMG and Mortar cloak button) created by tank130
- AB Camouflage - HMG and Mortar cloak button should only appear when set …
07:48 Ticket #1 (Tutorial on how to add Reward units) created by LuciferNZ
Groundfire (and others) need to know how to add a Reward units and have …


17:43 Changeset in eirsvn [1050] by Leophone
fixed vampire HT lockdown


20:11 Changeset in eirsvn [1049] by Leophone
fixed SE inc. assault not working for: assault grens assault flammen grens
18:03 Changeset in eirsvn [1048] by Leophone
t17 pop 9 -> 8 t17 vet xp 6 -> 5
15:20 Changeset in eirsvn [1047] by Leophone
x-7 rocket now plays a target animation on the targetted vehicle x-7 …
12:16 Changeset in eirsvn [1046] by Leophone
added hold fire buttons to: M3 75mm GMC LEIG 18 Pak 36 Pak 40 50mm AT HT …
11:03 Changeset in eirsvn [1045] by Leophone
10:48 Changeset in eirsvn [1044] by Leophone
luftwaffe 1: reduced sight of camo ketten to 35 fixed schimwaggen camo
04:36 Changeset in eirsvn [1043] by Leophone
vcoh 2.602 changes added General added Vertiggo's vet icons Howitzers, …
01:05 Changeset in eirsvn [1042] by Firesparks
mech support ability for marder changed to a toggle. Will allow marder to …
00:53 Changeset in eirsvn [1041] by Firesparks
normal at nade assigned "z" as hotkey magnetic at nade assigned "s" as …


09:19 Changeset in eirsvn [1040] by Firesparks
fixed pe scout mg set up m10/m18 penetration modifier against hezter …


06:29 Changeset in eirsvn [1039] by Firesparks
hotchkiss stuka smoke barrage hotkey changed to "s"


21:27 Changeset in eirsvn [1038] by Leophone
changes: added vertiggggoooo's vet icons stug gun now penetrates rear …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.